1. Title : Workshop on Health Informatics
2. Learning objectives : Data collection, Data analysis, Data interpretation, Presentation of Results
3. Date and time : 3.4.2020, 3-6 pm
4. Organized by :Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research institute Trust
5. Eligibility : Researchers in Physical and Mental health.
6. Educational qualifications : Post graduate.
7. Program schedule :
3pm : Registration
3-30: Inauguration
4-00 : Technical session 1: Importance and applications.
4-30: Technical session 2: Methods of Data collection.
5-15: Data Analysis : Tools and Techniques
6 - 00: Closing ceremony
8. Registration fee :
Rs. 200 for external of the Rabindrik psychotherapy research institute.
Rs. 100 for in-house students and academic assistants.
9. Payment mode :Google Pay
10.Location :WhatsApp