Title: 16 hours Rabindrik Psychotherapy course
Each day includes 2 lectures - Theory and Practicals
Day 1: Models of abnormality - Medical model, Social model, Psycho-social model, Statistical model
Day 2: Bio-Psycho-Social model - Medicine and human biology theory, Social and Psychosocial theories, Behaviour therapy.
Day 3: Consciousness model - Psychoanalysis, Consciousness dynamics, Johari window
Day 4: Theories of cognitive therapy - cognitive distortion, cognitive behaviour therapy
Day 5: Consciousness layers and flow theories
Day 6. Tools and Techniqies of Rabindrik Psychotherapy - Flow gram, Rabindrik value scale.
Day 7. Process of Rabindrik Psychotherapy
Day 8. Participation Certificate distribution
- Ranajoy Bhadra
- Kazi Nafisa Rahman
- Anindita Ghosh
- Antara Mitra
- Sohan Chakraborty